Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thoughts of gun violence

Today I was in Mass with my two girls when everyone noticed an older man sitting in his walker, talking loudly on his cell phone. No one could hear the readings over his conversation. So a gentleman near me got up to talk to the man. He asked quietly and politely if he would please take it outside or hang up.

The older man became belligerent. And I was terrified. Thoughts of gun violence entered my mind. I even thought about how fast it would take me to shove my girls off the edge of the pew and cover them with my body. I was so anxious. I wanted to take their hands and get out to my car, but I stayed.

Thankfully an usher helped the gentleman get the older man out of the church and Mass continued per usual.

It sure rattled me, but the kids seemed unaffected by it. Samantha asked if there was a cell phone policy. Al and I told her it was called common decency or manners and left it at that.

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